Logos, Images, & Photos Disclaimer
The trademarks and branding names displayed on this Website are the property of South Lafourche High School Athletics, its affiliates or third party owners. You may not use or display any trademarks or service marks owned by South Lafourche High School Athletics without prior written consent.
If you would like to use any trademarks or branding owned by South Lafourche High School Athletics, visit Logo & Branding to learn how to obtain a license.
All photos & images displayed on this Website are the property of the photographer/graphic designer or organization for which the photographer/graphic designer obtained/created the photo or image for. Each photographer/graphic designer or organization for which the photographer/graphic designer obtained/created the photo or image for has copyright ownership of their photo(s) or image(s). You may not copy, use, display, or modify any photo(s) or image(s) without prior written consent.
If you would like to use a photo or image displayed on this Website, contact the photo or image owner directly prior to use. If you do not know ownership, contact us to see if we can help.